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TFGP IS MORE THAN JUST A PODCAST! It’s a celebration of all things Geek, Nerd, OTAKU and everything that falls in the cracks between.


Feb 12, 2016

In this all-new episode of TFGP we discuss Eric, Ransom and Kyle’s recent Youtube Stream of Rainbow Six: Seige.

Katy swims deep in the world of Indie Games .

Eric talks about his time with Telltale Game’s Game of Thrones and Minecraft: Story Mode. Come inside to listen.

Since it’s almost Valentine’s Day, the crew also decided to talk about love, relationships and the joy and pain that come from them.

In WTF we reveal some of our worst jobs as well as the benefits to vagina pushups.

Some how, we also manage to cover some of the biggest stories in gaming and geek culture.



A very big thanks to Clockwork in College Station Texas for hosting us.

Cast: Eric, Kyle and Katy


This weeks Artist Spotlight is Drive, by the group Glades.

Thanks for listening, and be sure to add your thoughts to this episode's topics using the comment section below!  If you haven't already, make sure you subscribe to us on iTunes, to make sure you get all the latest and can listen on the go.  

Until next time!



Listen to the episode to find out how you could win one of the hard to find Mew download codes.