Mar 5, 2016
In this weeks all new episode of TFGP, Eric is all alone with nothing but him and his head full of the news from the latest Nintendo Direct. He also manages to talk about his time with the re-release of Pokemon Yellow as well as dive deeper into Farcry Primal.
A very big thanks to Clockwork in...
Mar 3, 2016
In today's new episode of TFGP, we discuss all of the news from the recent Pokémon Direct, as well as reminisce about our favorite Pokémon memories. Eric talks about his time playing FarCry Primal. Katy praises the glory of Stardew Valley and Nom Nom Galaxy. Ransom and Eric voice their love for The Divison Beta. We...
Mar 2, 2016
In this super special episode of TFGP, Eric and Kyle are joined by what is possible the squeakiest chair on the planet. Kyle introduces Eric to the world of Pocket Mortys and Eric gives his opinion about the new Lethal Weapon TV series.
A very big thanks to Clockwork in College Station Texas...