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TFGP IS MORE THAN JUST A PODCAST! It’s a celebration of all things Geek, Nerd, OTAKU and everything that falls in the cracks between.


Feb 17, 2016

Welcome to the first episode of The Fathergamer Interviews.


Don’t worry, TFGP isn’t going anywhere.

You can still get your weekly fill of fandom and fart jokes at Cinelinx


But I felt the need to expand a bit and create a little place in the growing Fathergamer Productions lineup where I can interview some awesome people in today’s society.


I plan to interview people from the worlds of gaming, movies, television, comics, music and I might even slip in a few scientists and political figures here and there.


I want to figure out the what, whys and how’s.

I want to dig into their creative process and see what sets them apart from everyone else.


In this episode I had the opportunity to chat with Tom Beardsmore-- the CEO and co-founder of Coatsink.


A passionate and talented games development team working on games for PC, VR, console and mobile.


The company has grown into a recognized face in the developer community, as well as the growing VR industry, and applications market