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TFGP IS MORE THAN JUST A PODCAST! It’s a celebration of all things Geek, Nerd, OTAKU and everything that falls in the cracks between.


Jan 26, 2015

In this episode we discuss the latest nerd and geek news. We also talk about the latest games in our systems. We have a pretty funny WTF this week as well.

This weeks Artist Spotlight is Drunken Ninja 


It’s a celebration of all things Geek, Nerd, OTAKU and everything that falls in...

Jan 24, 2015

This episode almost wasn't.

Laptop and sound issues almost kept this gem from reaching your ear holes.

In this episode the team discusses thier favorite things of 2014. We also talk about the latest gaming, movie, TV and comic book news ( of the time).

We also have the return of The Artist Spotlight and WTF is pretty...